How do you describe your job? My job as a pastor is the result of God calling me to be a carrier of God’s love and compassion. It is an honor to journey through life with people, growing into our identity and purpose in Christ and practicing it in our day-to-day lives. 

Do you have favorite Bible verses? Luke 5 - This chapter spoke to me in 2008. I felt in my heart that God was calling me into full time ministry, so I sought God’s affirmation through Scriptures like this one. (Luke 5:4, “Go out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”)

One of my go-to verses is:

Romans 8:38 “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 


What do you enjoy doing even though you are not really good at it?
I like the idea of working out as if I am the next American Ninja Warrior (like Jessica Graff!) I’m yet to do one pull up…

Name three things that describe your youth:
Show: Saved by the Bell
Dial-up AOL messenger
Youth worship band (weekly rehearsals)

What’s fun nowadays for you?
Playing UNO and Red Light-Green Light with my two daughters 
Watching Netflix for date night with my husband David
Pizza with the works, a Dr. Pepper, ice cream for dessert, and a cortadito (coffee) 

Name some of your life’s treasures?
My years lived in Panama
My favorite person, my husband David
My work 
Raising two human beings, my daughters, pouring into their lives to grow to be women of faith. 

How long have you been working at First Church?
I was appointed to serve as the senior pastor of First Church since July 2019. I am a second generation ordained elder (clergy) in the United Methodist Church. My vow as a United Methodist minister is to go where God sends me. I believe I’ve been called to Coral Springs to encourage and preach the good news, so that all of us with a common ground can make a difference in this world!